jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011


Euthanasia refers to the practice of ending a life in a manner which relieves pain and suffering

Mar adentro is a film about an ill man who was in a bad situation and wanted to die but the doctors couldn’t do anything for him. While a man suffered and wanted to end his life, the law, religion and politicy were like obstacles in the man’s life.

Nowadays, Euthanasia is a very important subject that has never been made legal although a lot of people be agree with it.
There are a lot of people who believe that you should be able to choose whether you want to live or die.

Today, we know about cases where someone is very ill and they are only alive because they are connected to a machine. These people want to die but the doctors can’t permit this. There are doctors who would like to help but they can’t because it’s unethical. The main obstacle is religion because they believe that a person must die when God says so.
Religion is totally against Euthanasia and so it’s impossible for it to be legal. Doctors respect all rules of religion but people disagree because when they somebody in their family suffering they also suffer.

MY OPINION. Years ago I didn’t know about euthanasia but five years ago I saw a news item that made an impression on me. For me it was incredible because it was about a young girl who couldn’t move or speak and it was very difficult for her. She also had to use oxygen. The only thing that she asked was to turn off the machine to die and stop suffering.
This is an example of euthanasia, which I think is necessary when a person wants to end his life because they have a irremediable illness.

In conclusion, I think everybody should have the right to choose what they want to do with their lives.
Earth song transmits everything and more

Everybody knows that Michael Jackson was and still is someone special for all for us because he was singer with a lot of qualities. Even though he was criticized he will always be the best. Well, all his songs are very special and I always like them because they make me think.

Earth song is the best song of Michael Jackson that he composed years ago where he talks about the lack of equality in the world. In the video clip he represents how people can destroy the world with their hands. Consequently the world seems to rebel until it kills everything, the earth has finished, all the necessary things have been destroyed, the animals have died, the forest, everything…

This song speak about the selfishness of everybody about all our bad actions that end up in warms, all children in wars, the poverty in Africa and the richness in America, the cries of the earth when it sees this situation but it speak about the differences that there are in the world.
Every time that I listen to this song I think about the poverty in a lot of countries and the richness in the developed countries. When I listen to the song I feel sadness because I know that every minute a lot of people die. On the other hand there are people who have everything and they want more and more.
Earth song makes me feel useless because I can’t do anything to change the world.
Michael Jackson with his lyrics reflected feelings that people didn’t have present in their minds.
In conclusion, I think that this song is one of his best songs but the most important were the lyrics. I really like it a lot.



In Spain a lot of foreigners don’t know if they should give a tip. In general Spanish people do not give tips or they give very little. Normally the Americans give most tips. In most places tips are included in the service charge.

I think that it's normal because when foreigners are in other countries, they always leave a tip for two reasons.
1)They don't live in this country.
2) It's an other culture.

The Spanish people are perhaps used to leaving a tips in other places or bars that aren't in their country.

In my opinion it depends on the people because there are generous people mean people who don't leave tips.
Nowadays it also depends on the crisis because spanish people and foreigners don't leave money in a bars life as before.

BY: Resident

viernes, 4 de febrero de 2011


Bull fights are a kind of animal which is criticized a lot. I think that bullfighters earn their living killing these animals. It’s very cruel!!
Many people believe that killing the bull is the best activity in Spain (nowadays it’s also in France). This country has always recognized the history and culture as killing the bulls.

Despite the fact that many people like it a lot, I think that it’s a bad thing because bullfighters and people who like enjoying themselves to see how bullfighters kill the animals while they suffers.
At this moment, this subject has had a lot of problems. The problem is if killing the bull would be legal in Spain. On the one hand, there were people who don’t want this or they don’t agree, but on the other hand there are people who agree with this because they say that it’s very cruel.
Nowadays this problem continues but the best situation that was decided has been the new law: In Catalonia it’s forbidden to do bull fighting.

In conclusion, I think that killing the bull shouldn’t be permitted in any country because I believe that it’s a terrible sport that they do. When I’m watching TV and this comes on I immediately change the channel because for me it’s unfair.
There are also a lot of campains where people want to help animals. These campains are against any person who does bullfighting and also the people who watch it.

New technology:

The latest Blackberry

Since 2010, the new technology that has surprised everybody has been Blackberry mobile phone. This technological appliance allows all kinds of uses like messenger, facebook, twenty, surf Internet and a lot of other uses that are included in the mobile.

At first, a small percentage of people knew about this mobile but in the last months of 2010 and 2011, it’s seems to have become well known. It’s possible because the mobile has a lot of advantages for work and to be connected everywhere because it’s like a little computer where you can do the same on a computer and the mobile.

However, the biggest obstacle for the BlackBerry Company has been the mobile Iphone, which is the latest technology of mobiles and the best thing at this moment.
The two companies have been fighting to be the best. If now we ask everybody about that they prefer, somebody will say that prefer ‘BB’ (Blackberry) and others will say Iphone.

In conclusion, I think that recently BB has been more popular than Iphone because this company puts on to the market a new models of Iphone every year and it seems that the mobiles is out of fashion. Recently, I bought a BB and I’m very pound and satisfied with it because I haven’t problems. I think that BB is less than the Iphone but for me I like it a lot because this mobile hasn’t gut tactile keys and it’s better. Moreover I like it more because it’s easy use and it also allows me to speak free with my friends.
However, everything seems to be a tick for everybody to buy this mobile because the first months the price is low but the following months the price is very high. In conclusion, I think than BB is better than Iphone because it’s easy and comfortable to use.