domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011

Final reflection

My first writing of 1rst of batxillerat is different from my last writing, it’s different in the way of witting .
At the beginning my English was poor, the first writing reflected it because my level was very low: for example It was badly constructed, spelling mistakes, bad expression, serious mistakes and it was bad without connectors. This was caused because of a low level of ESO where I had had base of English.
Despite, this after two years I can see that my level has improved because now I can do well constructed phases using a few sophisticated words.
I think that the change, that I have done, is big but is isn’t enough, because my level of English is very low compared to other people but for me it’s much better because from 1rst to 2nd I had learnt more. Despite this in the last writing, for example, I have had problems with some verb conjugations and I think that I need more vocabulary for develop writings.
Before structures didn’t follow the steps and now maybe they do, I put the adjective after the name, (for example) and other mistakes.

So about comparing of my presentations, is the same as writing.
The content of the first presentation was very poor because I gave very little information about the subject; the language also needed more effort. So I think that it happen because it was the first presentation that I had done in my life and I had never spoken front of other people. The pronunciation was also bad but I think it hasn’t change from now because I know that my presentation is still bad. I hate not know how to pronounce words well but it’s my fault for not practicing and not paying attention to English conversation.

About the last oral presentation, it seems to have changed with context and language ( that it’s more less good) but pronunciation continues being bad.
Something that can influence is that before everything was new and the listeners were also new but now we have been two years together and my confidence is better. Perhaps now I’m less shy doing presentations.
In relation to this, presentation and blog, I think, it has helped me to improve English because it proposed and effort at home where we can think and develop writing while we are learning. However, when we posted writings in a blog we didn’t know our mistakes that we were doing, so we only saw mistakes with tasks. In the second of batxillerat the same has happened because the system was the same. I think that the problem has been the use of technology because if teachers request writings written by hand saw our mistakes.
The idea of blog has been good but I think that teachers, in two years, have wanted more writings, unless 30, and the result hasn’t been sufficient.
Perhaps the blog should have been less important than other things like doing more tasks and more activities in class.

To conclude, I think that in 1rst of batxillerat, the three groups of levels were perfect because everybody learnt slower o faster depending on their level. This years should have been same because in class not everybody has the same level.

I have chosen this presentation and written for two reasons: the first because the presentation of Medieval age I prepared a lot because I wanted it to be very good and because remember that the result has been good because after doing it I thought that I could do more presentations I wouldn’t be shy. Also I chose the written: long-distance love of this year’s because I expressed my critical comment about the subject and I gave my opinion, so I liked it.

About the best written that I think that I did is (love-distance love) because it started with the expression (it’s true!) so I had never used expressions and it was original. Following I say that it’s possible to have a relationship at long distance but I’m not completely convinced because it’s difficult to have a relationship under these circumstances.
I think it’s other way of writing because it doesn’t’ follow the same structure of my other writings. Also I speak about nowadays, about situations that happen at present and finally I give my sincere opinion.
My arguments support it and also, the writings are actual at the present and it’s a subject that can attract and it’s not boring.
In the end, my final reflection is this, I think that this year has been good, I have learnt new things, perhaps I have continued in the same way and the progress has been small but I’m sure when say that I have learnt more. However all that I haven’t learnt was my fault but English subject is difficult for me.

sábado, 14 de mayo de 2011


Now I’m going to talk about a very important for me because he is one that I admire a lot.
His real name was Rufus Frederick Sewell, he was born on 29 th October 1967 in London and he is a theater, TV and cinema actor. He is recognized as John Murdoch, in Dark city and Jacob Hood of Eleventh hour where he’s the bad main character and he was the wrong role. These films have only two films where he’s the star because he’s also know for the film Knight’s Tale, The legend of zorro, Bless the child, Hele of Troya and the Illusionist…
In all films he’s the perfect bad man because he has a serious aspect and his face shows mystery and seriousness.

Speaking more about his film, R.Sewell has been lucky because he has been essential for many authors. His first film was Twenty-One (1991) from then he started his career because after he starred in more films and more TV serials like Gone to seed ( the first TV serial-6 episodes). At the moment, in 2011 he has just produced Zen as Aurelio Zen which is a TV serial.
My admiration for Sewell began in Tristan e Isolde, film, when I saw this film at the cinema. However, I already knew about this actor but I never paid attention because he was the main character that made me angry.

However in the film he’s the best friend and assistant of the hero and I knew that he was only an excellent actor. After more films where he was the bad men, he has expressed his boredom saying “I don’t want to be a bad man again”.
Speaking about his biography ¡, he attended London’s Central School Of Speech and Drama completing their years of training.
In conclusion, I think that R. Sewell is one of best English authors.

Fame can be dangerous when people abuse it. Since cinema, TV.. the fashion has appeared, a lot of people have had fame as one goal and in the highest position.
USA it he only country where the production of films is as empresarial market that produce the most benefits because with a only one film you can earn more than it other jobs.

However, USA is also the famous and fashion country because it’s a country where there are actors like: Brad Pitt, Jude Law, Angelina Jolie, Scarlett Johanson, etc, who have been born an artist atmosphere. So nowadays we can met the other part or the fame for people like:
Lindsay Lohan, who at the moment is under a desintoxication process.
The Oldsen, sisters who have also started taking drugs and alcohol.
Amy Winehouse is the best example because she has had bad moments because of drugs and alcohol.
Miley Cirus is living the fame because she is at her best moment yet but when she abandoned the programme Hanna Montana to become well-known as a teenager.
It’s a consequence of fame.

My conclusion, behavior changes a lot when people get the top. In the end they don’t know how to have fun. However, a lot of critical comments about famous people make them feel bad.

Internet is killing TV?

The age of television had suffered a drop in 2010 where EEUU has been a country that has noticed the change.
Since the first year, when television appeared until today or recently, television had been able to overcome everything because it was the big innovation.
However, nowadays technology is killing the traditional television but worst of all is that the technologies killing and even the TV operators.

Why does it happen? The answer is very easy.

TV, DVD, VIDEO and other appliances are lost because nowadays other electrical appliances have appeared like Apple. Which allows you do watch streamed video from: Tunes, Youtube, Hulu, iPlayer, Netflix and a lot of services Apple TV also have launched services of usuries that the consumers can see on Google.

I will never say that television will overtake but we know that everyday people build new services and appliances that give us facilities. So internet, now, has a lot of people who follow the new applications.
However I admit that sometimes I prefer to connect to internet than watch TV...


Eros and Psique is sculpture of Antonio Canova. It reflects the end of the mythology history that says Eros, God of love, fell in love with Psique, the beautiful daughter of a King of Asia. Eros wanted seduce Psique so they built palace where they met every night without Psique knowing who was her lover.

One day, she shone him in the face with a flashlight to see who see was, but when Eros awoke he ran.
Psique searched for him because she loved him. She went with Venus, a “oracle”, to recuperate her over and to help her but she had an accident and she remained in a deep sleep, until Eros kissed her.

Sculpture, for me is the best because the mythology subject is very nice but the work with marble is excellent. As we can see, perfection of wings, skin and clothing that reflect smoothness and seems real; and the contrast from it’s the pebble or rock gives the feeling of hardness.
I chose it because the way that Eros and Psique are represented is very delicate and it makes a loving heart.



Twuin bomb attacks on a paramilitary force academy in northwest Pakistan have killed 80 people, police say.

120 people were wounded in the blasts at the training centre for the fronter constabulary in Shabqadar, Charsadda district.

The Pakistani Taliban said that they carried at the attack to avenge the death of Obama Bin Laden.
However, the al-Qaeda leader was killed during a batlle in the northern Pakistan town (2 May)

OPINION; Several months this struggle is present on TV's it seems that this struggle will never have an end because muslim people never agree. I think that this situation is very incredible because we are in the century XXI and wars still haven't finished when the last was ( Second GM) started about 1900.

The images that journalists and news show are very shocking because only people appear bleeding or dying every day.
I also think that this war will start late because now the death of Obama, has caused anger and resignation in Pakistan. This situation is very dangerous and it can start wars with other countries.

BY: BBC NEWS: 13/5/2011

lunes, 9 de mayo de 2011


What about catastrophe of Japan? Everybody has forgotten it already? Because that’s what it seems or what I think. A few weeks ago a giant catastrophe shocked everybody, at first everybody was sorry for the Chinese people because the problems that it caused were very serious but… when the nuclear plants started to give problems everyone started to worry seriously.
Now it seems to have finished because the big problem that caused radioactivity in Japan and in the world seems to be normal because on the news it said Japan will remain unaffected by radioactivity from nuclear plants. Everybody was upset about it.
After many days it seems that everybody has got over this catastrophe. However, the big earthquake and tsunami disaster has left a big footprint that Japan will advance with difficulties little by little.

When I knew about it I worried a lot because each time critical images appeared after the catastrophe. I feel sorry for these people because it could happen in Spain to us.

This photo affected me very much because I saw a little child being checked to see if he had radioactivity in his body. Bff… it’s hard to see because it was a little child who didn’t know what was happening,, I didn’t understand it…
I think that the big catastrophe will be the most important in life because it has had and will have a lot of problems. I also think that Japan will get better because it’s a big country and it’s a big economical power.
I’m sure that Japan has to prepare or invent a fast solution to answer this problem.
To conclude, I hope that Japan will improve and that all the families will rebuilt their new life and they won’t build any more nuclear powers.

Film: the noterbook

trailer: http://

Allie is a young girl who is going to Seabrook with her family in this village. She meets a boy, Noah. He sees her and realises that she is for him. Even though Allie is rich and Noah is a poor worker, they fall in love and they have an incredible summer.
They have to separate because Allie has to study in another country. She is sad because they won’t see each other for a long time.
When they meet again, Allie is engaged to Leo but when she sees Noah again she realises that she still loves him.
After many years, an old men reads a book to an old women in a residence every day. Every time he reads to her she remembers some things. Finally, the old women remembers that his story is about the two of them when they were young. One day she remembers things and the next day she can’t remember anything.

Opinion about the film
I liked it because it has a good beginning and a good ending. Some parts of the film seemed interesting and exciting.
I think that the love between Allie and Noah is perfect because they lived happily. The part that I liked most was, when Allie didn’t get married and she decided to live with Noah. They lived together until they were old. The part that I didn’t like was when Allie was older and she couldn’t remember that the men who read to her every day was Noah. Mi opinion is that this is the best film that I have ever seen.
“El barco”

“El barco” is a new addictive programme for young people nowadays. This programme is about a marine high school; its name is “Estrella polar, that starting with group of students who are travelling to learn all about sailing.

(Argument) The first day everything was interesting because the young people enjoyed it a lot and made friends. But, the next day problems started, boys were fighting, the boat had problems to advance and more problems. However, young people, teachers, captain and other people always continue.

At the same moment that the boat was traveling there was a problem with the ‘accelerator of particulas’ produce that produce a black hole and the boat was alone in the world. From then on they will have to continue searching for an island.

OPINION: I liked this programme a lot because in the first day episode it seems very interesting. Despite this it is a serial of science fiction because there are very real scenes, they standout because it’s impossible for it happen in the real life, etc. but I liked it because there are famous people like Mario Casas and other authors that have been in “El internado” ( the most important programme).
In conclusion, I know that “El barco” has a big audience and very day someone gets hooked on it.

Cheek it for see more about El barco: http://

3 coments:

David: new of traffic
Douaa: fill, 3MSC
Vero: about animals abandoned
Dialogue with a farme

I’m Antonela and I’m school student and I’m going into the field where I will meet Joan, the farmer and owner of a farm. I’m interested in finding out about what the life of a farmer is like and the different tasks that he has to do.

A: I’m Antonela, hello Joan. I’d like to know about your job and what you have to do.
J: hello. Yes, I have been working as a farmer for fifteen years because I like to be with animals a lot and to cultivate different kinds of vegetables. Moreover I inherited the farm from my father.

A: With reference to this. Do you like working in the fields or not?
J: Oh yes, sure yes because you have to like his kind of job when you do it all day.

A: Of course! Do you think that nowadays agriculture is less important than other jobs?
J: It’s true that before agriculture was more important and very essential for everybody but at the moment with technology, the jobs in the fields have disappeared. However, I want to work in this practically.

A: yes, it’s true. Do you think that nowadays it’s more difficult than before?
J: yes, now it’s more difficult to continue because nowadays there isn’t a lot of help from the government.

A: So nowadays there are more facilities from technology aren’t there?
J: I agree with you because machines are more advanced than before.

A: Joan, I’m very grateful to you and I hope that agriculture will never disappear.

sábado, 7 de mayo de 2011

formal letter from Mr. Richt

Toribi Duran II
Castelló d’Empúries
10th April 2010

Mrs. John Richt
Director of Nuclear power association
25, Baker St

Dear Mrs. Richt
I’m Antonela Santillán and I’m nineteen tears old. At the moment, I’m study in the High school of Castelló d’Empúries and I want to tell you about nuclear power. I realize that there are problems related to nuclear power stations.
First of all, I thought that it would cause a standstill in the development from the people to the necessary energy. I also think that we are to blame for wanting more than we can produce.

I agree with you when you sat that it is better that the nuclear power stations start again and so be more comfortable and safe for all humanity. Although this the catastrophe was caused by an earthquake I want to know is this it could have been avoided with more control in these nuclear power stations. However looking at the positive part this has been useful to make us be more aware of the danger they can cause.
I hope that this problem can be solved and it will never happen again.

Your sincerely
Antonela Santillán



1.The story starts at Christmas is a house where four girl (Meg, Jo, Amy and Beth) lived with their mother. They father is away at the civil war and they live in a teenager atmosphere. The sisters are very close but they aren’t happy with their way of life because they don’t have much money and they are a poor family. Amy is very angry, beth is shy, Jo wants to be artist and she is very decided and Meg is a responsible girl.

A lot things happen to them and this makes them improve and change. They also meet Lourie and Mr.Brooke.

Finally the only girl who gets married is Meg, but to a poor man. It means that although they want better life things don’t change really.

2.In this story I haven’t found mystery scenes but have found a moment that the story changes. It’s when we the family March receives a letter saying father March has been wounded in the war. This new was terrible for the sisters and their mother. Then the mother had to go to Washington to be with him.

3.The story takes place in America in a town of New Year during the civil war .

4.The main character are:
Meg: she is oldest girl of all and she doesn’t like working and she wants to marry a rich man. Finally, she falls in love with a poor men from the village.
Jo: she’s second oldest, she loves literature, she is very secure and decided . she hasn’t grown up and she doesn’t want to get married.
Beth: she’s very shy, she likes playing the piano and she also very ill.
Amy: is the youngest girl and the most bad tempered. She only thinks about money and luxuries and herself.
Lourie: he is friendly with the girls and falls in love with Jo. He lives with his grandfather and he studied with Mr Brooke, his tutor.

5.The main character is Jo ( Josephine) because she is different from her sisters. She’s the second oldest, she looks after her sisters a lot because they love each other a lot.

She’s a little different from the others because she likes writing stories and plays and after she tells them to her sisters. She’s also peaceful, shy but very out going and she doesn’t to grown and even less get married.

6.Of all the characters, I can identify myself with Meg, the oldest, because she seems shy, quiet and is also a girl that tries to help and listen to the important people for her. I think that I look a little like her. Meg also is a little undecided and a little embarrassing at the first meetings and I’m very undecided and it’s difficult for me to decide when I really don’t know what I want.

7.My favorites moment is when on Christmas day father March appeared with Mr.Brooke. Mr.Brooke has gone to get to surprise the sisters and Mrs. March.
I liked the moment when Jo and Meg cried together father and all the sisters kissed and were very happy as were father, mother and Mr. Brooke and Laurie.

8.Reading the book I learnt words to understand the story such as dolls, that is a simple dolls,; also gossip are critical comments about other people. Play is a story that is acted in a theatre, I didn’t know that play also refers to this. And finally I learnt many other words such as wicked.

9.I would have liked Jo to have married Lourie and Meg and Mr.Brooke to go and live together because they would have together and grown also together so they would have not fear about the idea of being a polite young lady. As Beth also would meet a special person for her.

9.I like Little Women a lot and I would recommend this book because in the story hides something that refers when we are small and we were teenagers it’s difficult to change and dead with new experiences, especially like to Jo.


And in 50 years, in a single lifetime, the Earth has been more radically changed than by all previous generations of humanity.

This 50 years have served to see if humans have acted correctly in their lifetime.
Its true that the human evolution has been perfect for new progress like in technology, science, society and politics that has served us to improve. However, now, the lack of oil, violence, important climate change, poverty and bad economy in many countries are the consequences that people must pay to degrade the planet. It’s a time when we can see that people want more and more and they are waiting for new technologies capable of making a like easier using energy without looking at the amount.

The catastrophe of Japan has been a perfect example for people to see that nuclear power plants that we have built ourselves can ‘kill’ us.
However, the most of all is that this bad situation will not improve because we don’t know how to live without things that are now essential, but before weren’t .
To conclude, this sentence makes a lot of sense but we can’t see this or we don’t want to see it.

Kellong’s, a big global industry

Kellogg’s company is a international food industry of USA which produces products for breakfast, like cereals and biscuits special to health food and a balanced diet.

In 1849, the brothers Kellogg did an experiment in Battle Creek, Michigan, USA. The brothers, John Harvery and William Keith Kellogg created the first cereals by chance when they forgot about the baked wheat in the oven. At this moment, they created cereals.
However, they wanted own cereals to be special for good health and they did many experiments to get healthy and light products.
The brothers offered of Battle Creek the cereals that they had obtained for breakfast. This breakfast became popular and after 10 years, other companies were producing similar products.
Important dates of the creation Kellogg’s Company.
1898: the first cereals called Corn flakes of Kellogg’s appeared when the cereals appeared on the market, the demand increased a lot.
1906: when W.K. Kellogg’s saw that his product was successful, her founded the Battle creek toasted corn flakes company but this product needed a name to be famous: KELLOGG’S.
1955: The company manufactured a new product caked ‘Special K’. During these years the Kellogg’s company obtained over millions of pounds in production and sales.

Since 2000 will now, K.Company has continued evolving. Nowadays there are 180 countries with 16 production plants in the world.

Goals of the company:
-To provide the consumers with healthy products and promote a healthy life.
-Act with responsibility
-promote diversity and policy of work
-provide jobs with full security.
At the moment there is a great variety of cereals, snacks and biscuits.
The importance of music for children

Childhood is the stage when children have first contact with the outside world. They also have the ability to learn by knowledge and experiences.

Music in the best factor to help to develop their capacity because children will be able to learn faster because education specialists say that music is very important in the first stage for children. Music helps to increase our sensitivity.
Despite this at the moment lot of people believe that music is a less important subject in the education of student because they believe that it’s wasting time without results.
However, we should think that we are living among acoustic pollution and music is very necessary in education because it allows children to choose their own style music and they develop their own personality.
Now we understand more about music and we understand why at school, champs, excursions, etc they teach children songs.

In conclusion I think that we should be conscious that music will help to improve education so that it will reflect on tomorrow’s society. I also think that music allow us to meet in a safe space as shelter when something isn’t going well and our projects aren’t good.
I like children a lot because I believe that they are like boy of surprises where they learn a lot. My goals are to become teacher and to teach a lot of things using music.


William and Kate get to married

The news that the Duke of Cambridge made his last public act of the day, with the traditional kiss on the balcony of Bucking Palace.
The celebration was excellent and without any problems. The couple went around part of London in a carriage to Buckingham Palace.
The new duchess of Cambridge will be named Catherine for the royal protocol.
300 guests assisted at the banquet including the Queen of Spain and the prince and princess of Asturias.

My opinion about this new: I have never seen a spectacular celebration as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, England. So many TV shows with a lot of people waiting for Kate and William. So, it was previous because it was a very typical and traditional British Royal wedding.
However, this weeding has been an other important celebration like the famous wedding of Lady Di and Charles. However, this event will be criticized a lot to find good and bad things.
Last Friday a lot of people, were watching the wedding on TV, … It has been entertaining.


Secondhand serenade: Fall for you

Author and his song

Secondhand serenade is an American acoustic rock band formed by John Vasely in California, USA, in 2004. J. Vasely wanted burn a musical band after spending 8 years playing in local places. At the first moment, he began writing songs and his wife helped him.

The pseudonym of Secondhand Serenade means to the way of music as serenades for his wife. The first album was Awake, the second was a Twist in my story (2008) and the last album and recent is Hear me now (2010). This album, as stated by the singer is more upbeat than his last album. It’s also the most important for the band and the most famous because there are songs that speak about love, problems about love and things that we feel but we don’t express.
FALL FOR YOU, is one of the songs, of the album A Twist in my story, more beautiful and is the song that made the group successful. So the song was certified platinum in the United States.

The name of this song is Fall for you because it speaks about love/hate relationship that never ends but it doesn’t always work. So the lyrics speak about a relationship where they seem to be happy but she shows some insecurity and he think he doesn’t love her when he really des. When they seem to break up they get together again.

I liked Secondhand Serenade a lot because his songs are beautiful but I like them because the lyrics express the reality of love and when you listen some songs help to cheer you up.
In the song Fall for you I like rhythm, lyrics and video clip. In conclusion, I hope that this band to come to Spain a concert because I want to go to one of his concerts.

song fall for you: http://http//


Real Madrid coach J. Mourinho questions Barça ‘power’

Mourinho has stood by the comments he made in the wake of Real Madrid’s Champion league semi-final first leg defeat by Barcelona at the Bernabeu.
Mourinho, now, is being investigated for his accusations that he said on the day of the game at the press conference, for example:

“An image is worth more than 1000 words and there are so many images from that game that were show all over the world, that I have nothing else to all”-Said Mourinho.

Cheek it to see a video: http://http//

My opinion about new: I think that Mourinho doesn’t know how to lose and even less with the football game that Real Madrid played, where we saw that a R.Madrid player attacked a player and they didn’t play the same level as Barcelona.
The expulsion of Pepe, and the yellow card of Ramos and the expulsion of Mourinho has been fair and reasonable because everybody saw that his behavior wasn’t correct and this game was evident. However, we often see Real Madrid play and they only kick the other players. It seems that they have learnt to play with little humility.
In conclusion, I know that Barcelona is the best football players because they know that sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.