domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011

Final reflection

My first writing of 1rst of batxillerat is different from my last writing, it’s different in the way of witting .
At the beginning my English was poor, the first writing reflected it because my level was very low: for example It was badly constructed, spelling mistakes, bad expression, serious mistakes and it was bad without connectors. This was caused because of a low level of ESO where I had had base of English.
Despite, this after two years I can see that my level has improved because now I can do well constructed phases using a few sophisticated words.
I think that the change, that I have done, is big but is isn’t enough, because my level of English is very low compared to other people but for me it’s much better because from 1rst to 2nd I had learnt more. Despite this in the last writing, for example, I have had problems with some verb conjugations and I think that I need more vocabulary for develop writings.
Before structures didn’t follow the steps and now maybe they do, I put the adjective after the name, (for example) and other mistakes.

So about comparing of my presentations, is the same as writing.
The content of the first presentation was very poor because I gave very little information about the subject; the language also needed more effort. So I think that it happen because it was the first presentation that I had done in my life and I had never spoken front of other people. The pronunciation was also bad but I think it hasn’t change from now because I know that my presentation is still bad. I hate not know how to pronounce words well but it’s my fault for not practicing and not paying attention to English conversation.

About the last oral presentation, it seems to have changed with context and language ( that it’s more less good) but pronunciation continues being bad.
Something that can influence is that before everything was new and the listeners were also new but now we have been two years together and my confidence is better. Perhaps now I’m less shy doing presentations.
In relation to this, presentation and blog, I think, it has helped me to improve English because it proposed and effort at home where we can think and develop writing while we are learning. However, when we posted writings in a blog we didn’t know our mistakes that we were doing, so we only saw mistakes with tasks. In the second of batxillerat the same has happened because the system was the same. I think that the problem has been the use of technology because if teachers request writings written by hand saw our mistakes.
The idea of blog has been good but I think that teachers, in two years, have wanted more writings, unless 30, and the result hasn’t been sufficient.
Perhaps the blog should have been less important than other things like doing more tasks and more activities in class.

To conclude, I think that in 1rst of batxillerat, the three groups of levels were perfect because everybody learnt slower o faster depending on their level. This years should have been same because in class not everybody has the same level.

I have chosen this presentation and written for two reasons: the first because the presentation of Medieval age I prepared a lot because I wanted it to be very good and because remember that the result has been good because after doing it I thought that I could do more presentations I wouldn’t be shy. Also I chose the written: long-distance love of this year’s because I expressed my critical comment about the subject and I gave my opinion, so I liked it.

About the best written that I think that I did is (love-distance love) because it started with the expression (it’s true!) so I had never used expressions and it was original. Following I say that it’s possible to have a relationship at long distance but I’m not completely convinced because it’s difficult to have a relationship under these circumstances.
I think it’s other way of writing because it doesn’t’ follow the same structure of my other writings. Also I speak about nowadays, about situations that happen at present and finally I give my sincere opinion.
My arguments support it and also, the writings are actual at the present and it’s a subject that can attract and it’s not boring.
In the end, my final reflection is this, I think that this year has been good, I have learnt new things, perhaps I have continued in the same way and the progress has been small but I’m sure when say that I have learnt more. However all that I haven’t learnt was my fault but English subject is difficult for me.

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